The best part about living in a college town (even a small one like Corvallis, pop. ~50,000) is the culture. I was reading through the 'OSU Today' email this past Wednesday morning. I realized Nancy Giles was going to be speaking FOR FREE on campus as part of a diversity seminar. If you don't know Nancy, this is an excerpt from the bio that was posted on the University's website.
"CBS Sunday Morning contributor, comedian and actress Nancy Giles delights TV audiences with her social commentaries and theater fans with her solo pieces. She is a funny, perceptive and provocative observer of today’s world. Her acclaimed work on CBS Sunday Morning has provided the largest audience yet for her unique blend of laugh-out-loud humor and common sense wisdom."
She had an 'opening act' in that she followed street poet
JoaquĆn Zihuatanejo . He was awesome! He has some stuff on YouTube. You should look him up.
I went to see Nancy and she was great. She speaks the truth in an accessible way. I love her essays on CBS Sunday morning. Watch one
So, the best part about living in a college town (besides the football, of course!) is that on a random Wednesday morning you can check your email, find out about a free community event, walk over to said event after work, be moved to tears and forced to think while being engaged in your own community. Then head the three miles to home. Does it get any better?
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