
What kind of Agriculture is there in Oregon?

What kind of agriculture is there in Oregon? I actually get this question quite a bit.

There is a great map put together by Oregon Ag In The Classroom that shows commodities grown in Oregon. It also gives you an idea of the size of the counties (denoted by white lines). However, I have learned that county lines mean a whole lot more in the Eastern US than they do out west.

Corvallis is located in Benton County (look for the pumpkin in the green county due east of the "n" in Pacific Ocean). That's where Oregon State University is located! That means I am in an area known as the Willamette Valley (said Will-AM-mit - as in "It’s Will-AM-it, dammit!”). This area is very diverse agriculturally with over 170 different crops including nursery crops, grass seed, grain, fruit and nut trees (pear, cherries, hazelnut), berries, wine grapes, corn, vegetables, Christmas trees, dairy and beef cattle, chickens and eggs.

Let me share a few facts with you about Oregon Agriculture as a whole:

Oregon is number one in the US in production of:
berries (black, logan, Boysen, and Black raspberries)
grass seed (rye, orchard and fescue)
clover (crimson and red)
Sugarbeets (seed)
Potted florist azaleas
Christmas trees
onions (storage)

Oregon's Top 10 Commodities are
1 Greenhouse/Nursery
2 Hay
3 Cattle and Calves
4 Milk
5 Wheat
6 Grass Seed
7 Potatoes
8 Blueberries
9 Corn
10 Christmas Trees

I got my information from Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom (they have a great site - Check them out) but you can get the latest stats from the Oregon Department of Agriculture at www.oregon.gov/ODA

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